Making Brownies

Have you ever made brownies?If you haven’t made brownies I am going to teach you how to.

Making brownies is fun cause it becomes a mes by mixing it fast.This is the part I am going to tell you how to make brownies.What you need first is a bowl to put the ingredients.What you need second is one box of  brownies.Then grave the eggs and get out how many eggs it says on the box.Then grave the milk and the meager cup to meager the milk.The last one is to grave the blender to mix it up.I am going to tell you what you put in the bowl first.You need to put the hole box of brownies in the bowl,then grave the eggs and crack them then let the yoke in the bowl.What you are going to put next is the milk.When you are done putting the ingredients you are going to plug up the blinder and press the on button to start mixing it.So when you are done mixing it you are going to put it into a pan with the sides covered so it wont fall out,then put it in the oven.When you check the brownies and they are good and ready then take them out.When you take them out of the oven you can see that all of the brownies have a lot of chocolate.Then when you take one out and eat it it’s going to taste sweet,good,and delicious.

Turkey Trap Post

The problem was that we forgot to buy the turkey for the dinner and the store is sold out of turkey so we have to make a turkey trap. The materials that I use was Newspaper,Tin Foil,Masking Tape,Pipe Cleaners,Cardboard,Popsicle,Sticks,Styrofoam,and Stral  to make the turkey trap. The plan was that I should put styrofoam on the bot um then put 3 cardboard on a side and I will get 1 more cardboard and fold it and cut it in to a big circle so the turkey can fit so then

About The Field Trip

When we where  out off the school  we where walking to spring woods high school and it was very hot cause and Mrs.McNeil was riding with Mrs.Lee and it was not fair cause she was not walking in the sun with us so than we got there and we got fresh air so then they start talking and boils was so funny  and she was my favorite character and the blue color.

About The Break Marissa

At first we got in to groups than Mrs.McNmarissaseil gave use paper that had words so we had to read it so when we where done reading it we saw 2 boxes in the class room so one of the big box had 4 lock on it so then the other one had 1 lock on it so then when we got papers then when Danielle open one box that was a crayon box  so when she open it there where a marker that had a light on top of it and had paper then we got one so we had to go work in a team that we where at over there in the corner where the laptop and the stools too. The big box had book marks and papers so we all got a  book marks to take home and some kids got a paper that said “You broke Pax Out!”



About Marissa

I like my teacher because she is very nice. My favorite food is chicken because it is so good. My favorite holiday is  Halloween, Christmas, Valentines Day, Black Friday, Mothers Day and Fathers Day because it is fun.  My favorite pet is a dog because that is my best pet. My favorite show is the Loud House and Henry  Danger and my movies are Finding Dory. I have two sisters, one brother,  my mom, three uncle ,  two aunts, and three cousin. My favorite thing in class is going on the laptop because it is fun to be on a laptop to and we learn. Reading is fun  because you  can practice reading. My favorite color is sky blue because it is my favorite color.  I think blogging is fun.